Tag Archives: save energy

Landscaping Lessons-Proper Placement Of Trees In Landscape Design

Landscaping and landscape design goes beyond just creating beautiful designs. As a professional designer, it’s not only my job to create designs but also to envision every possibility of the mature landscape in years to come. And while most elements will remain what they are for years to come, the one thing that most do it yourselfers and some professionals overlook is the space that tiny little sprouts will occupy when they become mature plants and trees. Trees serve a number of obvious purposes in the landscape. […]

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Kids And Trees Grow With The Environmental Three R’s

Every day in America, each man, woman and child generates nearly four pounds of trash. That’s over one trillion pounds of solid waste or 365 trillion pounds each year. It’s a staggering statistic when you consider the environmental effect that much garbage has on our fragile ecosystem. As adults, it’s easy to forget the importance of the 3 R’s our world depends on-reducing, reusing and recycling-for the health and safety of future generations. It’s those future generations–our children–that will bear the consequences of today’s environmental mismanagement, unless […]

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How to Grow Flowering Dogwood Trees from Seed

Flowering Dogwood trees can be easily grown from seed, however 99.9999% of the seedlings that sprout will be Cornus Florida, which is White Flowering Dogwood. It doesn’t matter if you collect the seeds from a White Dogwood or a Pink Dogwood, the seedlings are likely to be white. The only predictable way to grow a Pink Dogwood, Red Dogwood, or one of the beautiful Dogwoods with variegated leaves, is to bud or graft the desired variety onto a White Dogwood seedling. Dogwood trees begin producing seeds right […]

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History Of The Apricot Fruit

Apricots originated on the Russian-Chinese border in about 3000 BC and were imported along with peach seed into Europe through the “Silk Road” that extended camelback trading to the Mideast. The fruit grows as an escaped naturalized plant along modern roadsides in Turkey and Armenia today in abundant numbers. Apricots were known in ancient Greece in 60 BC and later introduced into the Roman Empire. The apricot trees are believed to have arrived in the early American colonies in seed form for growing into fruit trees by […]

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History Of Plum Trees And Their Hybrids

The documentation of ancient plums growing in antiquity is sparse. The best evidence of that oldest existence is best documented through America’s most famous pomologist, Luther Burbank, who reported in his twelve volume botanical literary classic, Small Fruits, Volume IV page 136, that the European plum, Prunus domestica, and its ancestor fruit originated in the Caucasus Mountains near the Caspian Sea. Burbank detailed evidence that the prune (dried plum) was a staple food of the Tartars, Mongols, Turks, and Huns “who maintained a crude horticulture from a […]

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History Of Peach Trees – Prunus Persica

Peach trees, Prunus persica, are originally believed to have come from China to the Mideast through the trade routes known to extend to Turkey and Iran (Persia). The peach seeds could be used to plant and grow trees throughout North Africa and Europe and finally were introduced to America in the mid 1500’s. The first appearance of peaches in China may date back to 2000 BC. Historians believe that peach trees were first introduced into the colonial settlements of the United States by the French explorers in […]

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History Of Olive Trees

Olive trees, ‘Olea europaea,’ are the oldest fruit trees and certainly are one of the most important fruit trees in history. Olive tree culture has been closely connected to the rise and fall of Mediterranean empires and other advanced civilizations throughout the ages. Because olive trees offered wealth and future food supplies to established civilizations, the agricultural nations became stable societies, resulting from a secure expectation from past experience of an uninterrupted food and olive oil supply. This factor was a necessary requirement for population growth and […]

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History Of Oak Trees

Heroditus, the father of ancient history, recorded in the mid-400’s B.C., that oak trees were reputed to have within their boughs, the gift of prophecy. The presence of oak tree galls in oak trees is caused by insect larvae that tunnel inside the twigs. The oak tree branches can become infested with numerous little galls that look like brown or tan balls, as the cells of the oak tree grow to surround the insects inside. Some cultures call these creations, ‘Oak Apples,’ and they are used commercially […]

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A Guide To Silk Palm Trees

The best way to create a truly magical, tropical, and exotic setting is by adding beautiful palm trees to it. Unique in their beauty, palm trees can transform any place, multiplying its beauty and exoticness within seconds. However, to plant tropical palm trees and take care of them can be cumbersome. Hence, life-looking, exact replicas of palms are available in silk which can be bought, assembled, and kept indefinitely without any hassles or pain. Research shows that silk palm trees are among the most popular silk trees. […]

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Is Our Planet Dying?

There is, no doubt, a tendency among people to think in fairly apocalyptic terms, and to exaggerate matters in order to get more people to pay more attention. In this respect, how much attention should we pay when people assert that our planet is dying, and we will all be in trouble if we do not make changes? It is hard to say. Certainly, we have finite resources to rely on and, if we do not find a way to live without taking more out of the […]

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