Tag Archives: save the planet

Removing Old Trees

Sometimes a tree gets to the point where it is necessary to say goodbye to it. It can be a painful choice to make, but sometimes the tree gets too close to the house, gets too diseased, gets an incurable infestation of some pest, or grows too tall and gets close to a power line. If any of these things occur, its best to do the right thing and get rid of the tree. Although you might have spent hours and hours getting the tree to where […]

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Pruning Your Trees

If you have just entered the tree growing world, you have no doubt heard the term “pruning” tossed around by the more veteran growers. Well, I have something to admit. For several years, I did not even know what pruning was. I heard the term a lot, but I never felt comfortable asking someone what exactly it was. Even though it would have benefited my gardening and tree growing, I was too prideful to ask. I’ve found that pride is the reason for the failure of many […]

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Privacy Trees

The house I grew up in had a privacy fence that reached all around the perimeter. In some ways I really liked it. I liked the feeling of being sheltered from the neighbors and the outside world. It made both the backyard and the front yard seem so much more serene. There were, however, things that I really didn’t like about it. Privacy fences seem a little bit too overt for me. I know it is a matter of personal taste, but even at the time I […]

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Preventing Diseases in Fruit Trees

If you maintain any pitted fruit trees such as plums, peaches, or cherries, I’m sure you know that those types of trees are much more susceptible to diseases than any other type. While the fruits are delicious, it can be rather hard to live with all of the maladies that can plague the life of everyone who has ever grown one of those types of fruit trees. The main disease that you will hear about the most is known as “Brown Rot”. This is a fungus that […]

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Plants And Trees Wallpapers – Get Greenery On Your Desktop

Let us go to a deep forest and watch the thick tress growing there. The small plants dancing with joy near the small waterfalls. In a forest we find the earth smelling fresh and the birds chirping happily. Wild animals begin hunting as taught by nature and the ecology always remains in balance. Now visit a busy city. What does a big city have? It has tall concrete buildings with no soul. It has automobiles running on the roads polluting the air with abandon with all types […]

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Flowering Cherry Trees

In the neighborhood I grew up in, cherry blossoms meant spring. There was a woman who had been living there forever – Mrs. Clark was her name – and she loved flowering cherry trees. She loved every species, but there was some kind of Japanese flowering cherry tree that she preferred above all others. She would constantly extol its virtues around the neighborhood to anyone who would listen. Because she had lived so long, she had managed to convince the city to put up flowering cherry trees […]

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Finding Drought Resistant Trees

If you live in an area that is slightly parched of water, you know better than anyone that one of the things that decides whether a tree survives or not is your ability to supply it with sufficient water. Unfortunately, many people don’t take this in to account when buying a tree. They will just go for the nicest looking tree, and then wish they could give it more water. If you do a little planning before you rush out and buy a tree, you should be […]

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Ficus Trees in Your Home

Ficus is a genus in the Moraceae family. The genus contain around 800 species; from vines and shrubs to woody trees. A majority of the fucus species originates from the tropical regions, but some also grow wild in subtropical and temperate zones. One of the most well known ficus species is the Ficus carica, a plant known as the Common Ficus. This ficus produce a fruit called a fig that is an appreciated fruit in many parts of the world. The Ficus carica is therefore commercially grown […]

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Fertilizing to Create More Blossoms on Your Flowers, Flowering Shrubs and Trees

You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your newsletter as long as you reprint it as is, including the contact information at the end. Website URLs must be active links. The secret to making your flowering trees, shrubs, annuals, and perennials bloom more is in the numbers. All fertilizers have analysis numbers on the package. These numbers represent the percentage of each chemical the fertilizer contains.  For example, 12-12-12 is a typical garden fertilizer that would contain 12% nitrogen, 12% phosphorous, and […]

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Facts About Deforestation – And How It Is Affecting Us

It is a little known fact that while once rainforests made up about 14% of the earth’s surface, the figure today is less than 6%. That means that over time, for mostly commercial reasons, we have lost more than half of the rainforests in the world – and if things continue at their present rate, we could lose the remainder in the first half of this century. When you consider that trees are an invaluable source of oxygen for humans, nutrition for soil and a habitat for […]

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