Tag Archives: save tree

History Of Mulberry Trees

Mulberry trees were well known in the ancient civilizations of the world. They were famous fruit trees, because of the delicious berry fruits that were abundantly produced by fast growing trees—loaded with huge green leaves that were eaten by livestock, along with the berries, and the leaves were used in the Orient to fatten silkworms for the silk trade. General Oglethorpe, in 1733, imported 500 white mulberry trees to Fort Frederica in Georgia to encourage silk production at the English colony of Georgia. William Bartram, the famous […]

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History Of Apple Trees

Apple trees were the most popularly grown fruit tree in colonial America and practically every settlement farm and backyard gardener planted this easily grown fruit tree, or easier, the seed of the apple could be planted to establish a permanent food supply. Growing these apple tree products could be eaten fresh or could be dried and preserved in many different ways to eat at a later time. Historical instances on the existence of apple trees are documented from folklore, legends, stone images on carved tablets, petrified slices […]

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Growing Trees

When I was a kid, I always used to like to watch growing trees. My uncle had a growing apple tree in his yard, and I would love to climb up in it and look around. Although it was not very high, I was not very old, and it was the highest spot that I could get to you. Normally, I couldn’t see the progress that growing tree made. Only one time a year did I realize that it was bigger. When the first spring bloom came, […]

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Growing Trees for Shade

If you are currently trying to plant trees in order to shade your garden, you will probably want something that grows very fast and provides plenty of shade. With the many types of trees available, you will have no problem finding a variety that will grow extremely fast and provide all the shade that your garden needs to survive. There are also many things you can do to speed up the growth of trees. Generally trees are separated into two categories: long lived and short lived. If […]

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Garden Flowers: Tulip Trees

The Tulip Tree has got its name from its tulip shaped flowers. The flowers of a Tulip Tree are located at great heights and typically reach a size of 2.5 inches. The Tulip Tree produces monoecious flowers with yellow-green petals. The corolla has a beautiful vivid orange shade. Some people find the leaves of the Tulip Tree similar to tulips too, at least with a little imagination. The leaves are four lobed and have a notch at the tip. A Tulip Tree leaf will typically reach a […]

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Artificial Trees Advantages

Choosing an artificial tree gives you a lot of advantages when compared with real trees: First of all, an artificial tree is a lot easier to maintain. It doesn’t need any water, fertilizer or sunlight – all it need is to be cleaned once in a while. An artificial tree does not need to be cut down as it will always stay the same size. We all know how normal trees can overgrow your home and create undesired shadows. Something like that will not happen with an […]

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The Secret To Pruning Apple Trees

The overall theory of pruning apple trees is to first train the young apple tree to grow efficiently, and then to promote the best production of good quality fruit as the tree matures. By training a young apple tree to grow “correctly” you enable the tree to develop a strong structure that will be able to support heavy apple growth, plus you will have a tree shape that is easy to manage in later years. A well-applied regimen of training and pruning apple trees stimulates strong growth […]

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The Process Of Buying Artificial Trees Online

Using artificial trees is very easy, but buying them is easy too. Today they can be bought online, as most stores selling them having sites. You can place orders on these sites, and there will be photographs to choose from. By looking at these photographs, you will be able to decide what you do need without hopping from store to store. You can just access different sites and take your pick. Artificial trees will be listed according to the variety, and there will be descriptions for the […]

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The Practicality of Artificial Trees

Artificial trees are perfect for homes, restaurants, hotels, and offices because they need little to or no maintenance to keep them looking alive and beautiful. It is popular to add a natural touch to your space with an artificial tree or two. They look just like real, live trees and all you have to do is pick out the one you like and have it shipped, or take it home yourself. Once you get it all set up you can sit back and enjoy with no watering, […]

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What Do We Lose With Deforestation?

We know, if we have been paying attention, that our planet has a wealth of natural resources that can be beneficial in many ways. What is less well-known is the extent to which this is the case. For example, the rainforest gives us 25% of the pharmaceutical products sold in the West. This sounds like a lot. It is a lot. But what is less well-known is that this 25% of our pharmaceutical products has come from rainforest resources that have barely been tested up until now. […]

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